G.R.I.T. Run
October 4, 2025
This year's G.R.I.T. Run will be Saturday, October 4.
The Grueling, Rugged, Intense Trail Run (G.R.I.T. Run) is for the bravest of souls. The 5-kilometer course includes narrow trails, steep hills, creek bed crossings, scenic views, and stairs. Open Run participants will be able to take an alternative route for anyone nervous about navigating the creek bed. Registration fee for Open Run participants over age 19 is $30. The fee for runners between ages 6-18 is $10. Kids under age 5 are free. All participants in the Open Run will receive a G.R.I.T. Run shirt at registration. Wooden medallions will be awarded to the top 3 finishers in each age category. The top male and female winners overall will receive a Camp CILCA hoodie. |
Cross-Country MeetCamp CILCA is hosting an All Lutheran High Schools Cross-Country Meet in conjunction with Lutheran High School in Springfield, IL. Events in the schedule followed by an asterisk are only open to the high school runners, coaches, and family members. Schools participating in the high school runs can sign up participants for $20 per student or $200 per team. Open Run participants ages 6-18 run for $10, and participants 19+ run for $30. Coaches run for free and family members of high school participants run for $15.
Schedule of events