Camp CILCA (the Central Illinois Lutheran Camp Association) is designated as a 501 (c) (3) with the Internal Revenue Service. All donations are TAX DEDUCTIBLE!
You can look up CILCA's status here under "Central Illinois Lutheran Camp Association".
You can look up CILCA's status here under "Central Illinois Lutheran Camp Association".
Opportunities to Serve
"Thank you for letting me come! I am so impressed with Camp CILCA! You all have your hearts in the right place and God has truly blessed the camp! Hope you have a good summer and maybe I can join you again next year!" - - from a Medic of the Week
High School Volunteer Opportunities
- Youth Servant Events (See Below)
- Eagle Scout Projects (See Below)
- Joyful Hearts Volunteer Week
- Junior Counselors
College-Age Summer Staff Application
- Use the online form at
Adult Volunteer Opportunities (Housing & meals available for your family.)
- Medic of the Week (nurse, doctor, EMT, etc)
- Pastor of the Week
- Church Worker of the Week
- Kitchen Volunteers
- Maintenance Volunteers
- Adult Servant Events
Here are a few Camp CILCA Service Events that took place in the past...
Trinity Edwardsville brought their 7th graders out for a couple of days to help clean up camp before the spring season. They cleaned the indoor chapel, all of the cabins, and the dining hall including all of the windows. They also raked leaves.
Menard County Co-op sent some of their employees out to volunteer. They cut up a massive down tree, cleaned out a garage, and stained picnic tables.
Jacob and Andrew Collier completed their Eagle Scout Projects by building a new container for sports equipment on the side of the dining hall, putting in two new basketball hoops, a new tetherball area, and new fence to prevent balls from rolling down the hill.
Jacob Midden completed his Eagle Scout Project by building a bridge with help from friends, relatives, and others from Troop002 over the past month. This bridge at the north end of the lake will help hikers cross over a small creek without the risk of soaking their shoes.
Twenty-two Junior High Youth and six adult leaders led by Deaconess Kim Bueltmann from St John Lutheran Church in Champaign spent 3 days this month at camp working on constructing the second half of a bouldering wall, built several 10' dock sections, cleared some trees and brush, and did some trail maintenance. Thanks guys for all your hard work and thanks to Thrivent Financial for Lutherans for donating $1600 to cover the cost for the projects. Offerings from their school also went to purchase some kayaks which they enjoyed during their free time.
Thirteen men from Trinity Lutheran Church, Peoria came and installed new built-in bunks for Cabin Martha, split and stacked firewood, cut and drilled decking boards for a bridge, and spread more woodchips in the challenge course area. Thanks a LOT guys and also thanks to Thrivent Financial for Lutherans for providing over $500 in funding.
Youth and adults from Christ Lutheran-Delevan, St Luke-San Jose, Immanuel-Macomb, and others did a variety of projects including spreading a semi-load of woodchips, spitting wood, working on a shed, and rebuilding the steps on the main trail to the beach. Thanks a LOT guys and also thanks to Thrivent Financial for Lutherans for providing over $2500 in funding. We've had other groups come out for work projects at camp.
CILCA Home Page